Neoprene Coating


The elastomer coating on risers (pipes and bends) offer corrosion protection as well as mecanical.

protection. It is widely used in the harsh and highly-corrosive splash zone area. One of types of elastomer coating commonly used by the oil & gas industry is Polychloroprene / Neoprene – suitable for operating temperatures of up to 100 C.

Common elastomer coating thickness (12.7mm and 25.4mm) with tolerance of +2mm, -0mm. Elastomer coating is aplicable to carbon steel, stainless steel, FBE ( fusion-bonded epoxy ).

coated surface and HBE (high-build epoxy) surface.

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Line Pipe (Oil, Gas & Coating) Muhammad Fajar
Infrastructure & Export  Rony Yanuardi
Retail & Trading Anjar Guritno