Our Vision & Mission

The company’s vision is derived based on understanding that the company’s foot stand is domestic market where economic scale should be achieved and the fact that quality has already become the company’s commitment. The company is long well known as a high quality pipe and corrosive protection producer due to our thorough quality control and assurance procedures as well as the technology used in the production process. The company is committed to maintain and further improves this for the satisfaction of our customers.

There also should be a balance between competitiveness of price and value propositions of our products and services rendered to customer. We believe reasonable pricing will be beneficial to customer and to the company for growing and serving customers better.

Domestic market is a starting place where our customer base should be built and maintained for our future growth. Since there is a development into a borderless economy, we consider the regional market as our domestic market and let our high quality standard be enjoyed by our new customers.

Our Vision:
  • ”Menjadi korporasi yang kompetitif, untung dan terpercaya”.
Our mission :
  • 1. Mewujudkan kinerja operasional yang produktif dan efisien untuk menghasilkan produk dan jasa berkualitas yang menguntungkan.
    2. Mengembangkan bisnis baja melalui kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan dengan mitra strategis.
    3. Mengembangkan aplikasi solusi baja dan produk baja hilir untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah serta kepuasa pelanggan.
    4. Meningkatkan nilai bisnis group untuk memberikan kontribusi positif dan mengoptimalkan rantai pasokan.
    5. Mengembangkan talenta terbaik untuk dapat berkontribusi optimal dalam seluruh proses bisnis.

Contact Person

Division Contact Person E-mail
Line Pipe (Oil, Gas & Coating) Muhammad Fajar muhammad.fajar@krakataupipe.com
Infrastructure & Export  Rony Yanuardi rony.yanuardi@krakataupipe.com
Retail & Trading Anjar Guritno anjar_guritno@krakataupipe.com