
Below is a brief overview of the history of Krakatau Pipe Industries.

  • 1972


    Krakatau Pipe Industries was established as one of pipe manufacture in Indonesia produced spiral welded steel pipe with range diameter 4-36 inch.

  • 1973


    Produksi Komersial Pertama, Pipa Baja Lasan Spiral.

  • 1977


    Sertifikasi API Monogram No. 5L 0203.

  • 1979


    Krakatau Pipe Industries invested additional machine SPM 2000 to produce spiral welded steel pipe with range diameter 16-80 inch.

  • 1989


    Kepemilikan saham koninklijke Nederlandsch Hoogovens Estel Ijmuiden Fabeieken N.V dan International Pipe Industries, Corporation beralih kepada PT. Indhasana. Sehingga status perusahaan yang semula PMA menjadi PMDN.

  • 1993


    Produksi pertama Lapisan Anti Korosi;
    (CWC, AEC, Cement Mortar Lining Coating).

    Sertifikasi ISO 9001 pertama kali dan terus diperbaharui hingga ISO 9001 : 2015.

  • 1994


    Perseroan berubah nama semula PT Krakatau Hoogovens International Pipe Industries Ltd menjadi PT KHI Pipe Industries.

  • 2005


    Diversified the product by adding 1st line of ERW/HFRW machine which commerciality produced ERW/HFRW with range diameter 4-12 inch in 2006.

  • 2006


    Produksi pertama Pipa Baja High Frequency Resistance Welding (HFRW).

  • 2007


    Produksi pertama Lapisan Anti Korosi;
    FBE, 3LPP/LPP, Internal Coating.

  • 2007


    Invested SPM 1800 (for producing high thickness spiral welded pipe) and 3LPE/LPP coating machine.

  • 2010


    Berdasarkan Keputusan Pemegang Saham No 08/PS-KHI/Kpts/2020 terdapat perubahan logo perusahaan.

  • 2011


    Krakatau Pipe Industries Joint Operation with PT Pipe Coating Indonesia on CWC and AE coating.

  • 2012


    Kerjasama Operasi dengan PT Pipe Coating Indonesia untuk tambahan Fasilitas Lapisan Anti Korosi.

  • 2013


    Sertifikasi OHSAS 18001 : 2007 pertama kali dan terus diperbaharui menjadi 45001 : 2018.

  • 2014


    Penambahan fasilitas Produksi Pipa Baja High Frequency Resistence Welding (HFRW) sehingga total kapasitas produksi mencapai 220.000 ton.

    Penambahan Fasilitas Lapisan Anti Korosi sehingga total kapasitas produksi Coating 3LPP/PE mencapai 1.600.000 sqm dan 800.000 sqm untuk fasilitas coating AE, FBE, Epoxy, Internal dan External Coating.

    Sertifikasi ISO 14001 dan terus diperbaharui hingga ISO 14001 : 2015.

  • 2021


    After more than 49 years and now joining the Krakatau Steel Construction Subholding, PT KHI Pipe Industries officially changed its name to PT Krakatau Pipe Industries.

Contact Person

Division Contact Person E-mail
Line Pipe (Oil, Gas & Coating) Muhammad Fajar salesog@krakataupipe.com
Infrastructure & Export  Agus Saptono salesie@krakataupipe.com
Retail & Trading Dewi Anggraini salesretail@krakataupipe.com