PT KHI Pipe Industries continues to prove its commitment and encourage the development of national industry in campaigning and declaring an integrity zone towards a corruption-free area in the company’s operations. This is proven by the SNI ISO 37001:2016 certification on the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) which was held on 15-16 June 2021.
“The implementation of SMAP is to assist the Government in improving Indonesia’s Corruption Perceptions Index which is ranked 85th in the world out of 180 countries, with a score of 40 out of 100 in 2019, with an annual cost of international corruption reaching USD 3.6 trillion,” said the Director of Finance & General PT KHI Pipe Industries Bambang Tri Basuki.
Asep Hendriana as Team Leader of FKAP SMAP PT KHI Industries added, “The implementation of SMAP certification has at least 4 benefits for the company, such as prevent legal problems, increase the company’s integrity value, reduce production costs so the sales volume will increase and price competition is more competitive.”
The follow-up to maintain the SMAP certification is consistently and sustainably build the Company’s Integrity through the integrity of HR, which is to socialize and raise awareness of SMAP by providing trainings gradually and conducting Feasibility Tests, and ensuring that SMAP becomes an important part of the Company’s business processes.
SMAP management through the FKAP Team is mandated to monitor costs that have the potential to contain elements of bribery, gratification and corruption. In addition, the FKAP Team has access to review costs and conduct reviews to evaluate and mitigate the risks that exist. Another task that remains to be done is the progress of the Business Partner Feasibility Test including PT KHI’s Vendors and Consumers, so it’s expected that the Business Partner’s risk is at a controllable level.