PT KHI Pipe Industries (KHI) Anniversary this year is a very special moment. How not, right on 15 May 2016, KHI fulfilled itself at the age of 44 years. The theme raised on the anniversary this time is “KHI is ready to fight”. Where the theme implies that KHI is ready to face challenges even though the steel business conditions are not as good as it is today so that the company can continue to exist both in the domestic and international markets.
Several series of events held in the 44th KHI Anniversary Award, including; health talk (health seminar), making biopore infiltration holes, blood donation, selection of exemplary employees, KHI’s Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) competition, sports competitions, 3R innovation competitions (reduce, reuse, recycle), cleanliness competitions between divisions, and creative video creation. The kick off series of anniversary events was held on April 19, 2016 which correlated with serving the first ball by the President Director of KHI Purwono Widodo who then showed a volleyball competition between employees of the KHI Jakarta and Cilegon offices. The kick-off also opens a series of sports competitions held at KHI, namely volleyball competitions and futsal competitions.
One of the series of anniversary events was the creation of 75 points of biopore infiltration holes in the cement coating area of the KHI Cilegon factory. The event was attended by the board of directors and management as well as KHI employees on Friday, 22 April 2016. There are several benefits of making this biopore infiltration hole, including increasing water absorption capacity so as to prevent puddles or flooding, turning organic waste into compost to be used as organic fertilizer. on various types of plants. Biopores can also increase the activity of soil organisms and microorganisms so as to maintain soil health and plant roots around. Apart from making biopore infiltration holes, participants were also encouraged to carry out one of the company’s routine agendas, namely Clean Friday. The areas to be cleaned are the cement coating area, wrapping and part of the plant area # 2.
Furthermore, another anniversary series of awards was the implementation of a health presentation attended by all employees with the speaker dr. Imelda from Mutiara Bunda hospital. The purpose of conducting this health talk is to provide insight into employees how stress at work can affect health and also provide tips / ways of handling work stress.

Still in the series of commemoration of the 44th KHI anniversary, namely the implementation of blood donations by employees with PMI Cilegon City which was held on 10 May 2016. The enthusiasm of employees at this blood donation event was quite high, as evidenced by the number of participants who participated in blood donations more than participants in the previous year. This is also an indicator that KHI employees are increasingly concerned about health.
In addition, there is something different about this year’s anniversary, namely the MTQ competition between employees. The competition was attended by 25 participants who were then selected into six participants who entered the final round. The competition was won by Sofanudin, a participant from the Plant # 3 work area.

The series of anniversary events closed with a peak event which was held on May 16, 2016 at the KHI Cilegon Office. The event was attended by KHI commissioners Nanang Priatna, board of directors and all KHI employees.
During the crisis, Purwono Widodo revealed that the company’s current performance was mostly due to external factors, but in May, it was predicted that the company’s performance had begun to improve. Furthermore, Purwono also invited all levels of the company to close ranks into a solid team and equalize common steps to achieve the company’s targets.
Meanwhile, Nanang Priatna, who was present representing the board of commissioners, expressed his appreciation for the anniversary, which could still be carried out lively even in the midst of simplicity. Still in crisis, Nanang added that his anniversary commemoration is also concerned with real efforts to properly carry out duties and responsibilities.

Various agendas were carried out in the highlight of the KHI Anniversary commemoration, such as cutting birthday cakes, mass gymnastics, handing over prizes to winners of various previously held competitions, exhibition of 3R innovations, showing creative videos and distributing door prizes as well as warm hospitality.
Happy Birthday my KHI. KHI Jaya, Prosperous Employees, Happy Retirees (KHI / DY)